Good Questions
Sometimes a great question can unlock a new path of self discovery. Here’s how to create generative questions that can point to undiscovered interests and new areas to explore.
Good Questions

Sometimes a great question can unlock a new path of self discovery. Here’s how to create generative questions that can point to undiscovered interests and new areas to explore.
By asking questions about topics that intrigue us, we can discover new directions to take them in. Pick a topic that you want to learn more about: you might focus on an area in your life that you want to spend more time on, a new interest, or a topic that brings you joy or energy right now.
is there a TOPIC i want to explore more?
Exploring lots of questions can help you find new or unexpected ways to explore your interest. Grab a piece of paper or notebook to start writing questions. Pick one question starter and one question framer to write your first question. Go with the first question that comes to mind, without spending too much time thinking it over.
I combine my love of design and anime?
I be able to work with other graphic designers?
I pursue a career in graphic design?
I design that will inspire others?
be a good time to plan an art show?
Exploring lots of questions can help you find new or unexpected ways to explore your interest. Grab a piece of paper or notebook to start writing questions. Pick one question starter and one question framer to write your first question. Go with the first question that comes to mind, without spending too much time thinking it over.
Look through all of the questions you created. Some may help spark ideas more than others. Which ones are the most inspiring to you? Try to pick one question from each of these three categories:
Thinking about ability and permission.
Tapping into your imagination.
Considering the future.
Good questions can lead to many different paths — there’s likely more than one direction you can go in to explore this interest further. Take one of the questions above that you are curious to explore and write it in a circle in the center of a piece of paper. Surrounding the circle, jot down any related ideas or thoughts that come to mind. These can help with new ways to explore an interest you care about.
When we build off of each other’s ideas, it can spark new questions. Take one of your questions and share it with a friend, but ask them to respond with another question it makes them think of. Respond with a question and continue this process until your question is completely different.
How might you start to grow a collection of questions to get inspired by? Start a question journal, keep a note on your phone, or record your questions in a way that works for you. Record anything that pops into your mind throughout your day. You can always turn to this collection when you feel uninspired or bored.
Asking questions about the people in our lives can help us deepen relationships and build empathy, especially when we ask generative and open ended questions. In your next conversation with someone, try to ask one “can” question, one “might” question, and one “would” question to learn more about them.